
Lebanon Law Review would not exist without these giants. Terrific writers, terrific people, their presence honors us.

Our contributors mainly come from the five law schools:

  1. Lebanese University
  2. USJ
  3. Sagesse
  4. USEK
  5. NDU

Want to see your name on this page? You should probably join us!

Antonella Chidiac
Antonella Chidiac

Antonella Chidiac is a junior lawyer at Beirut Bar Association, specializing in business and corporate law, as well as legal and civil litigation.

Fadi Hachem
Fadi Hachem

Fadi Hachem is a Human Rights Lawyer admitted to the Beirut Bar Association and an experienced researcher.

Christina Saad
Christina Saad


“It is the trade of lawyers to question everything, yield nothing, and talk by the hour.”

Nour El Khoury
Nour El Khoury

Nour El Khoury is a Ph.D. candidate in private Law and criminal sciences at Aix-Marseille University. Her Ph.D. thesis is entitled “The fight against corruption: a comparative study between French and Lebanese law” – under the supervision of Pr. Eudoxie GALLARDO.

Seema Y. ElMasri
Seema Y. ElMasri

Seema is a Law graduate, LLM in international business law candidate, and a BBA candidate.

Nadine Amhaz
Nadine Amhaz

Nadine Amhaz is highly interested in constitutional law as well as business law and aspires to pursue a Master’s in Business Law.

Jinan Murad
Jinan Murad

Jinan Murad is a contributor to the Lebanon Law Review and has a special interest in International Law.

Lara Taleb
Lara Taleb

Lara TALEB est doctorante en droit privé et sciences criminelles à l’École Doctorale Sciences juridiques De l’Université de Grenoble Alpes où elle enseigne également des Travaux Dirigés. Sa thèse ayant pour thème « L’échange de renseignements à des fins fiscales -Réflexion à la lumière de droit français, suisse et libanais ».

Joud Kozhaya
Joud Kozhaya

Joud Kozhaya is a lawyer at the Beirut Bar Association and a contributing author at the Lebanon Law Review. You can contact her through HAQQ.

Jana Chreim
Jana Chreim

Jana Chreim is a contributor at the Lebanon Law Review and a Master’s student at Filière Francophone de Droit de l’Université Libanaise.

Peter Hachem
Peter Hachem


كلّ دولة في العالم بحاجة لدستور يحدّد إطارها وينظّم العمل في ما بين سلطاتها، فالدّستور يعتبر أب القوانين وأسماها، منه تنبثق القوانين الأخرى وإليه يتمّ الاحتكام، لذلك فإنّ نشر الثّقافة الدّستوريّة الّتي من شأنها الارتقاء بالمواطن إلى مستوًى يجعل منه فرداً صالحاً قادراً على التّمتّع بحقوقه المدنيّة والسّياسيّة واستخدامها في الأوقات المناسبة

Neemtallah Salameh
Neemtallah Salameh


العبرة اليوم في الإنهيار الذي نعيشه نأخذها من هزيمة أثينا أمام إسبارطة

Marie Belle Aoun
Marie Belle Aoun

University of Nantes

J’aime le droit parce que c’est un domaine où je me trouve personnellement, et c’est un moyen qui m’aide à accomplir mes objectifs ultimes: un monde équitable et juste, une paix durable et efficace. 

Rita Fawaz
Rita Fawaz

Sagesse & DSP1.

Law & Journalism.

Nizar Rifaii
Nizar Rifaii


دراسة القانون كان عن رغبة واختيار لأنه علم فن ادارة الحياة .. فمن لحظة ميلاد الأنسان حتي مماته والقانون يحكم كل لحظة من حياتة وينظمها. إن دراسة القانون سيضيف الكثير لشخصية الفرد ويجعله أكثر واقعية فى تناوله لحياتة اليومية والتعامل مع الاخرين .بالنسبة إلي ، لطالما كنت أرغب الخوض في الأمور  التي تطرح جدلًا على الساحة القانونية ، لا سيّما فيما يختص بالقضايا الدستورية و معالجة الأحكام و القرارات القضائية و المهمة على الصعيدين الاجتماعي و السياسي الوطنيّين و الإقليميّين اضافةً الى اهتمامي بدراسة وفهم القواعد المدنية و الجزائية هذا و نشر الثقافة القانونية المجتمعية ليعلّم كلّ مواطنٍ و مقيم القيود التي وضعها المشرّع مراعاةً للمصلحة العامة و المصالح الفردية الخاصّة

Eman Sabaa Ayoun
Eman Sabaa Ayoun


Eman is a coordinator at the Center of Careers, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship in the Lebanese University (CentreMine).
Eman is currently enrolled in a dual degree program for a bachelors degree in Law at the Lebanese University and a License in Islamic studies at Al-Athariya International College.
She wishes to specialize in International Humanitarian Law.

Eva Zouheiry
Eva Zouheiry


Civil, Constitutional, and International Law.

Elissa Moussawi
Elissa Moussawi


Justice is both the means and the end.

Mariam Chokor
Mariam Chokor


Mariam Chokor is a legal researcher and a Master’s in Law student at the Lebanese University interested in the field of human rights and specifically education. She has established projects to support the rights of women and children in education and participated as an ambassador to many international and local organizations.

Mariam holds about 30 of certificates of completion in international training programs in which she participated in the field of law, business administration and leadership.

Nour El Ouyoune Amacha
Nour El Ouyoune Amacha


Nour El Ouyoune Amacha is a contributor at the Lebanon Law Review and a student of the Lebanese University with an interest in civil law.

Lena Haytham
Lena Haytham


Law gives you the power to seek justice and help the oppressed. Every human being has the right to reach for their rights by the terms of the law. 
My favorite course at the university was criminal law, it’s always suspenseful. 

Rim Dbouk
Rim Dbouk


منذ صغري إكتشفتُ شغفي بالقراءة، ثم موهبتي بالكتابة فباتت الكتابة حبلاً أتمسك به كلما شعرتُ بإختلال في توازني. و يوماً بعد يوم كبرتُ و كبرَت معي أحلامي بالتغيير نحوَ الأفضل، بالوصول إلى لبناني الذي لطالما طمحت اليه. يقولُ جبران “لكم لبنانكم ولي لبناني‏” و لبناني بلدُ الحرية و العدالة ، لبناني عاصمته بيروت أم الشرائع الذي يرتفع في اروقة قصر عدلها تمثال بابنيان الشهير شهيد العدالة ليكون قدوةً للقانونيين، أتخذته قدوةً لي لاسيما و أنني أعمل في مجال التنمية ، و متطوعة في عدة جمعيات خيرية تجسد حبي للعمل الإنساني و إحقاق الحق

Hisham Saliby
Hisham Saliby


وَأَيْضًا إِنْ كَانَ أَحَدٌ يُجَاهِدُ، لاَ يُكَلَّلُ إِنْ لَمْ يُجَاهِدْ قَانُونِيًّا.. (٢ تيموثاوس ٢: ٥)

حقوقي وناشط سياسي حائز على اجازة الحقوق من الجامعة اللبنانية

Rayan Zaghloul
Rayan Zaghloul


“Change will not come if we wait for some other person, or if we wait for some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change we seek.” – Barack Obama

Aya Ozeir
Aya Ozeir


شغفي ان أسعى إلى التثقيف القانوني ليعرف الناس حقوقهم وواجباتهم وحدود حريّاتهم، نطبق القانون كما يجب أن يطبق لأنه الوسيلة الوحيدة لتطو المجتمع ونشله من زوايا التخلف والعجرفة واستيفاء الحق بالذات

Roula Abi Akar
Roula Abi Akar


Indeed, the law is the means to promote equality and justice among people. 

Mario Jabbour
Mario Jabbour

Je m’appelle Maria Jabbour, étudiante en Master 1 droit des affaires à l’Université Saint Joseph de Beyrouth. Pourquoi ai-je choisi le droit ?

“Dura lex, sed lex” signifie “La loi est dure, mais c’est la loi”; personne n’est au dessus de la loi ; même si quelques uns évitent de l’observer, elle est toujours là.

Depuis mon plus jeune age, je voulais intégrer le droit ; j’ai toujours senti que c’était ma vocation, mon appel personnel. Être juriste, n’est pas seulement une spécialité, le droit est un Message à faire parvenir, voire une mission. Être juriste selon l’un de mes professeurs de faculté “est le fait de porter la blouse blanche du droit”, la société est un laboratoire et le juriste doit être là pour détecter toute difficulté et carence ; le droit est donc une façon de penser, voire les choses, et un aperçu de l’architecture de la pensée.

Sabine Zaraket
Sabine Zaraket


Studying law requires critical thinking and a deep understanding of humanities and social sciences. Law is a pillar in the structure of society and the biggest enemy of anarchy and chaos.
My interests fall under international law. I am especially interested in the inner-workings of the UN and Human Rights. 

Hadi Dika
Hadi Dika


القانون هو ضابط السلوك الاجتماعي،هو مرحلة متقدمة نقلت الشعوب من عصر شريعة الغاب والفوضى الى عصر النظام والانضباط الاجتماعي. انا مهتم بالقانون الدستوري الذي نص على مواضيع عديدة أبرزها الحريات العامة التي اعتبرها الميزان والحجر الاساس لقيام دولة القانون والمؤسسات السياسية

Dina Haidar
Dina Haidar


Law is the only way to ensure communal justice worldwide, the only way to protect the oppressed.

Charbel Yaacoub
Charbel Yaacoub

Lebanese University – DSP2

القانون هو ملجىء كل صاحب حق، متمم للقيم الانساني السامية. هو نقيض الظلم واللاعدالة، هو الذي ينظم الحياة الانسانية، وجوده مطلب دائم لحياة أفضل وبعده مساحة واسعة للفوضى

إن قسم القانون المدني هو المفضل لدي ضمن فرع القانون الخاص

Aya Safieddine
Aya Safieddine


Dispensing justice requires me to either be a judge or a lawyer, but joining the Lebanon Law Review is certainly a step in the right direction.

Najah Itani
Najah Itani


« La justice est une ferme et perpétuelle volonté de rendre à chacun ce qui lui appartient. Nous sommes nés pour la justice ; ce n’est point l’opinion, c’est la nature qui fait le droit ». – Ambroise Rendu

Eva Abboudy
Eva Abboudy

Aucune société n’existerait sans droit. Cette matière vivante et évolutive serait donc révélatrice de la nature même d’une société toute entière et permettrait de comprendre les différents choix politiques et institutionnels d’un pays ainsi que le fondement des rapports des individus.

Pour être honnête, toutes les matières en droit m’intéressent mais je trouve une aisance dans le domaine public. Le droit administratif et constitutionnel me passionnent.

Antoine Zaatar
Antoine Zaatar

Lebanese University – DSP1

Imagination is everything. There is no better way to train imagination than studying law. No artist can explain the secret and beauty of nature as freely as the lawyer explains the truth in the courthouse. That’s why us law practitioners should do whatever it takes to make sure that our justice system prevails.

Interested in international law in general such as IHL, IPL, arbitration, labor law, & commercial law.

Lea Bou Sreih
Lea Bou Sreih


J’aime le domaine juridique puisqu’il n’est jamais restreint, jamais limité. Il n’est jamais sec, contrairement à ce que l’on dit. Il existe pour harmoniser la vie de l’Homme, et s’harmoniser avec elle.

Georges Abou Mrad
Georges Abou Mrad


Law and Political Science

Law is not just any career path, it is the knowledge that gives you the power to defend the innocent, and to punish the guilty. It is the knowledge that gives a man the legitimate power to take another man’s freedom, and sometimes even another man’s life. Such power can not be placed in the wrong hands, justice entails responsibility.
I want to study criminal psychology, criminology, and international law at the ASSAS university in Paris. Hopefully to one day join Interpol or Europol.

Nour Ghoch
Nour Ghoch


No man is above the law and no man is below it; nor do we ask any man’s permission when we ask him to obey it. Obedience to the law is demanded as a right; not asked as a favor.                            
– Theodore Roosevelt

I am most interested in Criminal Law

May El Hachem
May El Hachem


Through Humanity’s endless fight for freedom, history has proven the necessity of laws within nations to establish and uphold our fundamental Human Rights. 
Although legal systems may vary between states, and differ from one society to another, the essence of the law remains unchanged. 

Ultimately, the rule of law is nothing but the art of what is right and what is just in this world, and we jurists are nothing but artists. 

Zeinab Halabi
Zeinab Halabi


Manager at The Lawyard, an independent news outlet.

Interested in geopolitics and Franco-Lebanese public law.

Lyne Mneimneh
Lyne Mneimneh

Lebanese University – DSP1

Manager at The Lawyard, an independent news outlet.

A love for politics, global economics, and human rights.

Serouj Apikian
Serouj Apikian

Lebanese University – DSP2

For seven years I was responsible for the legal department of the Lebanese Armenian deputies and ministers’ office, I am also a political and legal (public international law) consultant.
I am interested in law in general with all its diversity.

Robin Madi
Robin Madi

Lebanese University – DSP2

My main interest in Law started at a young age when I would run around the house advocating for my rights to be treated equally as my brothers and proving myself as competent. This passion grew throughout my adolescent years as I enrolled myself in various human rights competitions and conferences. However, my true legal identity was formed upon joining law school. I then realized that law wasn’t just a major, but a lifestyle. 
As I pursued my degree in law, one specific field captivated me due to its growing magnitude in the market and its importance in this modernized world which is “Intellectual Property and Media Law”. In my opinion this legal field, which I might add is highly underdeveloped in the Lebanese legislation, might be the basis of all legal interactions in the future.

Rida Abdallah
Rida Abdallah


Laws govern our universe. Some are interested in the law of gravity, others in the law of attraction. Yet I’m privileged to stand with the ones who firmly believe in the laws of right and wrong. 

It is indeed Criminal law that captivated me with its wide approach yet strict interpretation. 
Today we can’t specifically determine when was the first rule of law written… but we know for sure that it was a sanction indeed, hence a criminal one.

Adham Al Awar
Adham Al Awar


القانون هو أساس الحياة والحرية. فالقانون ساهم في تنظيم وتطوير المجتمعات البشرية وحولها من قبائل متناحرة تتنافس
.على المأكل والمسكن الى مجتمعات وصلت الى القمر
يؤثر القانون على جميع نواحي الحياة الاجتماعية، والاقتصادية، والسياسية مما يمكن كل طالب حقوق من تطوير معلوماته و
.قدراته وفهمه لقواعد تنظيم المجتمع وبناء الدولة

ومن أكثر المواضيع التي تجذبني هي التشريع المالي والضريبي وقانون التجارة

Gaëlle Habchi 
Gaëlle Habchi 


Entre le faible et le fort, c’est la liberté qui opprime et la loi qui libère.
C’est ainsi que le droit est important,pour protéger les droits et libertés des citoyens et pour garantir l’égalité entre tous.

Le domaine le plus intéressant est le droit public.

Joanna Aizarani
Joanna Aizarani

Lebanese University – DSP2

“At his best, Man is the noblest of all animals, separated from law and justice he is the worst,” – Aristotle.

This summons why I love law, especially constitutional law.

Yasmina Wraya
Yasmina Wraya

“The power I exert on the court depends on the power of my argument, not my gender.”
-Sandra Day O’Connor
Law student at BAU & woman rights activist.

Maria Germanos
Maria Germanos

Lebanese University – DSP2

Each person according to his specialization is able to leave a mark and build a homeland.  I chose to study law as a way for me to complete my mission and achieve my goals for a better society.
I have started my advocacy of human rights Under the principles of “right, freedom, justice, law,” – I want to defend the right to secure justice by law.