Antonella Chidiac | Contributor

Lebanon Law Review | Contributor | Antonella Chidiac

Antonella Chidiac is a junior lawyer at Beirut Bar Association, specializing in business and corporate law, as well as legal and civil litigation.

Antonella is a PhD candidate at the Lebanese University Doctorate School. Her PhD thesis is entitled “Laws and Regulations of Artificial Intelligence”.

Having graduated from the Lebanese University with a master’s degree in business law, her master’s thesis was titled, “Cloud computing and data protection”, drafted in Arabic.

After discovering she had no privacy and protection, along with the rapid spread of new technologies, she decided to pursue the forgotten legal field despite legislators’ indifference and delays. She is primarily concerned with developing regulations in Lebanon since this is a field that poses a risk to many other fields, including lawyers, judges, laborers, etc.

Technology is bringing about rapid changes, especially in the legal field, and we need to be ready to deal with them.

Despite the importance of this field, it does not negate other individuals’ rights, which is another of her concerns.
