Defense Strategy | Lebanon | Antoine R. Kanaan | Lebanon Law Review

Defense Strategy: Elusive National Objective

The Lebanese Republic does not currently have a comprehensive Defense Strategy. This paper explores the reasons for this oversight and the legal and constitutional mechanisms surrounding such a policy. Finally, this paper proposes a Defense Strategy for the Lebanese Republic. Not comprehensive by any means, this proposed Defense Strategy nevertheless discusses Lebanon’s assets in light of its geopolitical status and posits propositions in the matter of geography, military, water security, economy, human capital, intelligence, and finally oil & gas. This proposition has a self-admitted hamartia – it does not account for Hezbollah and other armed groups, as to do so would be impossible given the diplomatic intricacy and sensitivity of the matter. Indeed, the matter of Hezbollah and other armed groups is one of the main reasons why there is no Lebanese Defense Strategy to begin with. The Lebanese Republic must determine whether or not Hezbollah et al. are a national asset or a national threat, something that it has so far failed to do. This paper does not take a position on the matter.

The Lebanese Republic does not currently have a comprehensive Defense Strategy. This paper explores the reasons for this oversight and the legal and constitutional mechanisms surrounding such a policy. Finally, this paper proposes a Defense Strategy for the Lebanese Republic. Not comprehensive by any means, this proposed Defense Strategy nevertheless discusses Lebanon’s assets in light of its geopolitical status and posits propositions in the matter of geography, military, water security, economy, human capital, intelligence, and finally oil & gas. This proposition has a self-admitted hamartia – it does not account for Hezbollah and other armed groups, as to do so would be impossible given the diplomatic intricacy and sensitivity of the matter. Indeed, the matter of Hezbollah and other armed groups is one of the main reasons why there is no Lebanese Defense Strategy to begin with. The Lebanese Republic must determine whether or not Hezbollah et al. are a national asset or a national threat, something that it has so far failed to do. This paper does not take a position on the matter.

قره باغ (ارتساخ) قضية قومية وابعاد جيوسياسية

منذ أيام وتدور حرب ضارية بين جيش اقليم قره باغ المستقل المعروف بأرتساخ واذربيجان، والتي لاقت اهتماماً واسعاً في العالم لأهمية وخطورة الوضع القائم في ظل انتظار التدخل الدولي لايقاف العمليات العسكرية للتعريف عن منطقة النزاع، انها هضبة جبلية في القوقاز سكانها ارمن منذ عهد مملكة أوراتو (ارارات) حتى يومنا الحالي، أي قبل وجود العرق […]